Choose the right size ceiling fan. The fan blades should be able to cover most of the area of the room. For a 10-foot diameter room, you'll need a ceiling fan with a blade diameter of 52 inches.
Install the ceiling fan 8 to 9 feet above the ceiling. This will allow the airflow to circulate effectively throughout the room.
In the summer, rotate the ceiling fan blades clockwise. This will push cool air down, making you feel cooler.
Turn off fans and lights in rooms that are not being used. These appliances generate heat, making your air conditioner work harder.
Use energy-efficient light bulbs. Energy-efficient light bulbs produce less heat than traditional bulbs.
In a 10-foot diameter room, using a ceiling fan can reduce air conditioner usage by 10% to 15%.
On a hot summer day, using a ceiling fan for 8 hours can save you up to $30 on your electricity bill.